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Job Seekers

Selecting a Career

Selecting the right career can often be a daunting task especially for someone new to the job market, it is not only about getting the right education or training but landing the perfect job and at the same time having a career that is advancing.

We have a plethora of schools and courses you can choose from to help you. That means the following:

  • Your choices are not limited
  • This means your career options are not limited either
  • You will have many schools to choose from
  • We will suggest the best school/training or course best suited to help you succeed
  • The best school and course/training based on your career needs

We work with job market specialists to give you a snapshot of the current job market, our end goal is to make you competitive in the current job market and help you succeed. Our partner organizations liaise with numerous employers all year round.

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What is a skill gap?

Most occupations require certain skills and expertise, when your skills and expertise do not match up with the requirements of the job, a skill gap occurs. In some cases, a skill gap can happen when the level of skill required at a job is higher than your past experience or education/training.

How do I eliminate a skill gap?

Those with skill gaps may require additional training to achieve their job and career objectives. We can help you to fill those gaps and make you marketable for your perfect career choice.


How to find out if you have a skill gap?

Please submit your resume to us using the Contact Us form. We will schedule a phone appointment with you and go over all the pertinent details in your resume and address any skill gaps (if any) and help you become more marketable.


How to be Job Ready?

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Below is a great article you can learn from, it is specific to an organization but you can tailor it to your own wants, requirements, skill and most of all from your own perspective and experience.


5 Key Steps to being Job Ready

WRITTEN BY: Jessica Akano


Talent Acquisition Manager @ Andela || Talent hunter
Chief Recruiter || All things Employability|| Career Coach || Wine Lover



“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”

It is important that you know your skills, interests and passion. At some point in our lives a lot of us were confused on what we wanted to do, some of us are still confused and are in the process of discovering, some others are just getting to that point of uncertainty and confusion — It’s okay to not know what you want and to be confused. However, we must know that organizations want to employ people who are self-aware. Knowing what you want makes the job hunt a lot easier. Why? — You are able to apply to the right jobs and subsequently sell yourself better than most — simply because you know who you are and what you want.

At Andela, one of our core values is PASSION. We want to sense the enthusiasm, zeal, drive and motivation for the job from our (potential) employees. You can only attain this level of passion when you have come to terms with who you are and what you want or at least have an idea.

2-Identify possible JOBS of INTEREST:

Don’t be that person that applies for any and every job out there. You’d be surprised how easy your job search becomes when you become specific about your interest(s).

At Andela, we’ve had cases of people who applied for every job posted on our job board — I mean same person applying to an entry level role and an executive level role.

As much as we admire their tenacity and love the fact they REALLY want to join Andela, we usually question their interests, focus and even competence.

Always be specific about the roles that interest you and the capacity to which you can optimally function on the role before applying to any opening.

3-Create an AWESOME Resume or CV:

An awesome resume or CV for most recruiters is one that speaks! We don’t need it to be pretty, we need it to do a good job in speaking for you before the actual interview.

A speaking resume/CV is one that is comprehensive yet concise, keeps the recruiter engaged, gets the recruiter interested (or even excited) in speaking or meeting with you.

Here’s an example of a good CV: Sample CV

4-Be fully PREPARED for your Interview:

Preparing for your interview is paramount to your success. Failure to prepare is setting yourself up for failure. Look at it this way, you do all the work (above) to bag that interview opportunity — the perfect chance to sell yourself to get the job and you mess it up just because you failed to prepare?!

Research the company, the job role, organizational culture…everything! Take out time to rehearse possible questions and what your responses would be. Do this continuously till you’re completely comfortable and confident.

5-Be PREPARED even before the Job:

When you know what you want, it is expected that you start preparing for it; understand the job duties, the job expectations, skills required to succeed on the job and everything else that can better equip you. This is so when it comes, you would not be taken aback by the role in itself.

All the best!