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Mission Statement

Get Paid to Study connects job seekers, employers and other employment related events and organizations absolutely free of cost.

We aim to streamline the process of getting you to the right career option for you with a level of trust that’s unmatched in the training and education industry.


Get Paid to Study

Why Us?

If you are looking to get personal undivided assistance and attention Get Paid To Study is the right organization at your service. We are a team of career guidance and employment professionals who have over 40 years of combined experience.

  • We pride ourselves in providing FREE services to all candidates
  • We devote our time and energy to meet your needs
  • Provide you with various options for you to choose from
  • Guidance every step of the way.
  • We also seek to meet and exceed your expectations
  • We guide, assist and help you reach your job and career goals


Your interaction with us – What can you expect?

We act as a liaison to connect you with the many services available to you in the form of Govt. Loans and Grants hence the Get Paid to Study name which is a win-win situation as living expenses, child care and other necessary expenses are all taken into account while you are in school. This is all based on a case per case basis. Please consult with us for a no obligation walk through.



Is There a Cost for the Services you Offer?
No, our services to you are free of cost with no obligation. Our financial help comes from the corporate sector

How Can Job Seekers Benefit?

  • The only thing we focus on is your career and directing you to the right career path.
  • We currently provide free career counselling.
  • We help you with finding a new career, filling your skills gap and accessing the appropriate funding options available to you.

How can Employers Benefit?

  • Through our many partnerships and our Career Guidance Division we have a large number of pre-qualified resumes we could forward to you.
  • We can help find government grants to get your employees trained on the job or find new employees for your organization.

For Employment Related Agencies
We can act as a connection point to connect services with employees and job seekers.